Are you still immersed in the shopping spree on Black Friday? Are you merrily chatting at the bar? Are you annoyed by the common meal in a restaurant? If so, come and join us. We lead you to a world where you can show your cooking skills with your friends.
Instead of planning your weekend activities whimsically, competing the Chinese cooking skill may be a better choice for weekend parties.
On the 19th of December 2015, Cook in Shanghai and City Chef are going to organise a Chinese cuisine creative competition.
Competition Rules:
1、Qualification for participator: Those who can recognize food material are available. No restriction on the nationality, age and gender;
2、Competition Contents: selecting ingredient via game,cooking 3 dishes freely(You can ask professional chefs for help if you need.);
3、Scoring Standard: mutual scoring plus canvassing freely
Besides, French pastry workshop is going to come on the second half, which is a precious chance to learn from dessert chef. You can choose to be a competitor or apprentice, onlooker is also welcome. Multiple roles, different ticket prices.
A、All-inclusive /Through ticket: RMB 169/P(pre-paying price: RMB 139/P)
B、Half ticket: RMB 88/P(Creative cooking competition is the first-half, French dessert woekshop is the second-half)
C、Full onlookers ticket:RMB 90/P(Buffet included, pre-paying price: RMB 70/P)
Can’t you wait to know about the time, schedule and address?
Time:11:00-16:30(Morning 11am:-14:30pm, afternoon 15:00pm-16:30pm),19th of December on Saturday 2015
Language we use to teach: English / Chinese
11:00-11:30: check in, water, tea, soft drinks, fruits and snacks are served.
11:30-11:40: The opening speech: make a brief introduction of the schedule and event rules.
11:40-12:00: game time, firstly, the hosts divide all the participants into eight groups through a jigsaw puzzle, making sure that each group has 6 members, then introduce the rule of the game(a game about drawing and imagination)
12:00-12:15: the winner of the game gets the preference to choose the ingredients for cooking, all the groups choose the ingredients according to their rankings in game.
12:15-13:15: cooking time for each group. (we have professional dim sum and la-mian teachers on site for instruction)
13:15-13:30: tasting, each group can have a taste of the dishes of other groups.
13:30-13:40: canvassing, each group can give a performance, such as singing, dancing, playing instruments and etc. to win extra point. The judger will be the sponsors.
13:40-13:50: voting, each group can vote for their favourite group other than for their own group.
13:50-13:55: award ceremony, we provide trophy for the first place.
15:00- 16:00: learning to do French dessert.
16:00-16:20: free time, eating, chatting and etc.
Info of Venue
Directions: City Chef, Room 101, Building 7, 3539 Dongfang Road(near Nanmatou Road), Pudong New District, Shanghai
Subway:Line 6/7, West Gaoke Rd Station or Line 6, Linyi Xincun Station, walk about 10 minutes

There is limited space so be sure to book early by emailing Cherry contacting at or calling to Cherry:18890505400 for more info and RSVP.
“ Master Chef ”Chinese cuisine creative cooking competition
Team show cooking with foreigners, about it?
You dare to say: I am doing Chinese food, stronger than international friends?
2015年12月19日,城之厨CityChef和Cook in Shanghai 联合策划一场中外中国菜创意厨艺比赛,让这个冬天不寒冷。
11:00-11:30: Check in(供茶水,软饮,水果,小食有提供)
11:30-11:40: 开场白,活动规则流程介绍
11:40-12:00: 游戏环节,按照参加活动人数分组,6人一组共8组。介绍游戏规则(画画游戏,猜的最准的第一)
12:00-12:15: 获胜组可以优先挑选食材,按名次顺序挑选(菜肴大家都可以看到)
12:15-13:15: 烹饪时间(现场有拉面和点心老师做指导)
13:15-13:30: 品尝:不同组参观品尝其它组菜品
13:30-13:40: 拉票环节:想要获得额外分数的队,可以表演才艺,吹拉弹唱冷笑话,内容不限。主办方评分
13:40-13:50: 评分
13:50-13:55 : 颁奖
15:00-16:00: 法式甜点烹饪课程
16:00-16:20: Free Time和享受美食
预订:请邮件给 Jerry 定课或更多信息 或者电话给 Jerry:18717725372
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