Description: This is a day trip that’s perfect for teams of students or colleagues to explore nature by visiting a working organic farm where we can pick our own vegetables, learn to cook some amazing local Chinese dishes and enjoy the slow pace of the outdoors and rural life together. We have planned two sessions of fun games and activities; so you can discover more about your friends and get to make some new ones.
Date: Saturday April 12th, 2014
Reservations: Standard price is 799 RMB per person, but the first 10 bookings are only 699 RMB per person! If you book now with a friend, the second ticket is 50% off! There is a limit of 30 participants so be sure to book early by emailing Cherry at!
8:45-9:00: We meet at a convenient location in Shanghai and ride to Chongming Island
9:00-10:00: Arrive at Chongming Island, introduction of the organic farm
10:00-11:00: Introduction games to break the ice and get to know each other, choosing which veggies we want to cook
11:00-12:00: Gathering the vegetables we are going to cook from around the farm!
12:00-13:00: Cooking class using an authentic Chinese wood stove!
13:00-14:00: Lunch
14:00-15:00: Free time to enjoy nature and explore the farm
15:00-16:00: Learning and team building games
16:00-17:00: Cooperation, communication and co-creation games
17:00-18:00: Trust building games
18:00-18:30: Closing out: reflections on the day
Finally, as a special bonus, each participant will get a gift from our friends at the farm!
The price for this event is 799 RMB per person. For more info, please contact Cherry at