Do you want to experience nature while learning about Chinese farm life? Cook in Shanghai will bring you fresh air and a relaxing atmosphere with our Tie Dye Farm Experience Day Tour! We will pick our own vegetables, learn to cook some amazing dumpling, learn about tie dye and enjoy the slow pace of the outdoors and rural life together.
Tie-dye (zha ran 扎染), as the name might hint at, is a process that is divided into two parts, first tie and then dye. Normally we use strings and wood strips, squares and chopsticks to tie parts of the fabric so that they will not absorb dye, giving the fabric a streaked or mottled look.
The tie-dye process is over 1500 years old and reached its peak in the Tang dynasty, it rose to popularity with the nobility there and was prominent until the North Song dynasty forbade it eventually. This ancient dying process is however still prominent in many places in China.
8:45-9:00: We meet at a convenient location in Shanghai and ride to SongJiang organic farm
9:00-10:00: Arrive at SongJiang organic farm, introduction of the organic farm
10:00-11:00: Organic farm exploring
11:00-12:00 Entertainment time , you can move freely , roll hoop , shuttlecock , flying a kite ( kite itself) , rural bike ( can rent a bicycles, a double bicycles , three bicycles)
12:00-13:30 Lunch time
13:30-15:30 Hand-made courses: vegetable dye
15:30-16:00: share time and tea break
16:00 – 17:00: Back to city center.
Price: 399 per person
This price includes lunch, transportation, material fee, etc.
Children under 3 are free.
4-11 years old: 299 RMB per child (include lunch, cooking course, insurance, activities material costs (tools, seeds, book, colorful pencils, flower pots, etc.)
Parents (2 People) + 1 child = 1,000 RMB
Parents (2 People) + 2 children = 1,100 RMB
Parents (2 People) + 3 children = 1,200 RMB
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